Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Jonah Week 11

Monday, January 12, 2015
Hahaha you can bet I'm gonna be working my butt off if it means I get to have a girlfriend like her when I get home!!! but hey in all seriousness I got so sick this week!! We ate soup at this one family's house and there was a lot of cabbage in it. Little did I know because my trainer hasn't done his job at training me that cabbage is off limits for Americans! The cabbage here in Central America has a bacteria in it that we never get exposed to in the states. So this bacteria messes your stomach up like no other!! I ate all of the soup because it was from an investigator and later that night I was destroyed!! I was like a double fire breathing dragon!! I spent the night on the toilet mostly. I had a bucket in my hands for the vomit and a toilet underneath me for whatever else that was.
But hey after my super long night of stomach problems I continued on and the first thing I had the pleasure of eating was a plate full of cow stomach! Haha cow stomach is not the most appetizing thing to look at and especially not when you were literally just up all night being destroyed on a toilet!! haha But I ate it because it was my food and you always eat whatever you're served!! It was interesting!! It was super chewy but it was actually really good! It tasted like carne asada but really spicy carne asada!
Also this week we had 5 investigators in the church!! One of which was Tranquilino!! The old man who we gave a blessing to the week before! We have stairs in front of our church and he is old and can't walk up the stairs so I asked him if he trusted me, he said yes so I began to take his arm and put it around my neck. I picked him up and carried him up the stairs!! He was laughing so hard I thought he was going to kill over in my arms!! It was seriously crazy! We invited him and his grandson to be baptized and they both accepted. We are supposed to baptize them the 31 of this month. Also this Saturday I should have my first baptism!! Her name is Gissel! She is 22 and she is a great investigator!
This week is going to be awesome and I especially hope it's more productive than this last week! Ya know since I was stuck in the house on the toilet on Wednesday. But hey it's fine it's just another part of the mission!! haha Well this mission is quite the experience and all people who can, should serve because you'll never forget the times on your mission!!
Love you all,
Elder McKee

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